
Akaroa 紐西蘭亞卡羅亞帝皇三文魚柳 150g



King Salmon (Chinook Salmon) is considered by many to be the best-tasting of the salmon bunch. The flavor and texture of King Salmon is full, rich and pronounced with a buttery, almost silky texture and large, soft flakes. It is delicious when pan fried, steamed, grilled skin on, poached and braised.



Akaroa Salmon 是紐西蘭海水飼養三文魚的先驅之一。

魚棚選址於適合三文魚生活的阿卡羅亞港灣 (Akaroa Harbour),以99%水:1%魚的低密度環境,魚群得以在無壓力的環境下緩緩成長。由於低密度飼養,魚群較少生病,故此無需施放疫苗及抗生素來保持魚群健康;輔以精心配比,富含蛋白質、維他命、礦物質、油份的非基因改造飼料,孕育出的三文魚,品質比一般密集養殖的更為出眾。

Akaroa Salmon is a family operation established over 3 decades ago, their approach to hand-rearing salmon prioritises the health and welfare of the salmon and the long-term protection of the environment. As one of the pioneers of salmon farming in NZ, the team at Akaroa Salmon have learned their secrets through trial and error. Today, new technology and over 25 years of experience allow the the company to continually produce a fantastic and sustainable product.

Site selection is critical for the health of the environment and the fish.  The pens are located in the Akaroa Harbour with strong flow and deep waters close to where wild salmon come to spawn from the cold, rugged Pacific Ocean.

The stocking densities maintain at low level so that each pen is 99% water and 1% fish. The low stocking densities and the absence of disease in the fish means New Zealand farmers do not need to use antibiotics or vaccines to maintain the health of their salmon stocks. The local fishermen hand feed the fish a unique diet, specifically blended to maximise their health and suit the local environment.



150g, 特價 150g * 4 packs

Origin | 產地

New Zealand 紐西蘭

Storage | 貯存於

-18°C or below


Oncorhynchus tshawytscha


Chinook Salmon, King Salmon, Quinnat salmon, Tsumen, Spring Salmon, Chrome Hog