
Zone Zero 泰國零添加激素雞件特惠組合




市面上無激素雞件琳瑯滿目,但是否曾經使用抗生素、激素養殖則難以考證,Zone Zero 明碼實價,產品包裝標示 “從無使用激素、抗生素”飼養,為客戶帶來  信心。

  • 產品標示 從無 使用激素、抗生素飼養
  • 草本飼料養殖,精選優質雞種,肉質更出眾
  • 採用最高規格氮氣單凍(QIQF),鎖緊雞肉鮮味
  • 產品符合瑞士 Agricultural Labeling Ordinance, ALO規格
  • 泰國直接進口,大廠出品
  • 泰國清真認證

Zone Zero pays close attention in every step of the production process to serve high-quality products to our customers. We carefully  select the feed ingredient for our chickens, and utilize several herbs and probiotics to strengthen the immune of our chicken. Our Chickens are nurtured in optimal environment following the international standards of Good Agricultural Practices and Animal Welfare. We provide adequate time for our chickens to feed and rest. The production of Zone Zero’s chickens from birth until slaughter is hormone-free and 100% No Antibiotics Ever (NAE) under the Agricultural Labeling Ordinance (ALO) standard from Switzerland.

Zone Zero’s chickens are produced by highly-skilled workers using the state-of-the-art technology of liquid nitrogen-based individual quick freezing method (“Quick IQF) to ensure the preservation of freshness and nutrition to the greatest extend. Zone Zero represents one of the highest standards in the industry with the objective of providing our consumers the Highest Quality, Healthy and Tasty chicken products.


Quantity | 購買數量

1*Chicken Breasts + 1*Chicken Tenderloins 雞胸雞柳各1, 1*Chicken Breasts + 1* Chicken Drumsticks 雞胸雞槌各1, 1*Chicken Breasts + 1* Chicken Boneless Legs 雞胸雞扒各1, 1*Chicken Breasts + 1* Chicken Mid Joint Wings 雞胸雞中翼各1, 1*Chicken Tenderloins + 1*Chicken Drumsticks 雞柳雞槌各1, 1*Chicken Tenderloins + 1*Chicken Boneless Legs 雞柳雞扒各1, 1*Chicken Tenderloins + 1* Chicken Mid Joint Wings 雞柳雞中翼各1, 1*Chicken Drumsticks + Chicken Boneless Legs 雞槌雞扒各1, 1*Chicken Drumsticks + 1* Chicken Mid Joint Wings 雞槌雞中翼各1, 1*Chicken Boneless Legs + 1* Chicken Mid Joint Wings 雞扒雞中翼各1

Origin | 產地

Thailand 泰國

Weight | 重量

1 kg

Storage | 貯存於

-18°C or below