Black Cod Steak (Sablefish)



Black Cod is a gourmet fish with a rich, buttery flavor and delicate, silky texture. It is an excellent source of protein and the highest fish in heart-healthy Omega 3’s above Salmon or Tuna. Their fat is highly polyunsaturated and thus well suited for lower cholesterol diets.

Similar to Patagonia Toothfish, it’s hard to overcook due to the high oil content, and it takes well to high heat. It is delicious baked, broiled, grilled, pan sautéed and poached.

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Black cod, or Sablefish are not a cod at all but is from an entirely different family. It is one of two members of the fish family Anoplopomatidae and the only species in the genus Anoplopoma, and have a higher commercial value.

Black cod swim the waters from central Baja California to Japan and as far north as the Bering Sea. They are deep-sea fish that can live at depths of 300 to 2,700 m.

Additional information

Origin | 產地

USA 美國

Weight | 重量


Storage | 貯存於

-18°C or below


Anoplopoma Fimbria


Sablefish (US), Butterfish (US), Black Cod (US, UK, Canada)