Durham Ranch Natural Bison Ribeye


SOURCED FROM: The Durham Bison Ranch, Gillette, Wyoming

RAISED ON: All vegetarian diet of natural grasses for the majority of time, then grain finished

HARVESTED AT: 20-40 months and between 900 to 1,100 lbs

TASTE IS: The taste of Bison is similar to beef. It has a coarser texture and slightly sweeter flavor. It does not taste gamey and has no strong aftertaste. Bison is surprisingly tender when comparing it so similarly marbled beef.

HOW HEALTHY: Nutrient-rich, bison meat is a healthy protein option, often with less fat and calories than other red meat options. Adhering to a strict no hormone or antibiotic growth promotants policy, all animals are treated humanely.

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Additional information

Weight | 重量


Origin | 產地

USA 美國

Storage | 貯存於

-18°C or below